How do we, as catechists, transmit the teachings of Christ without allowing our personal opinions to cloud the truth? This is an especially difficult task given the society in which we live seems at odds with nearly every Catholic moral teaching. How do we maintain the integrity of the teachings of Christ, while being palatable to the average American? Should we soften our speech, or risk offending and in turn, losing the people we address?
Pope Francis says that Jesus “keeps telling his disciples to go, to go out. He urges them to go out and meet others where they really are, not where we think they should be. Go out, again and again, go out without fear, without hesitation. Go out and proclaim this joy which is for all the people.”1 This message from The Holy Father is a wonderful starting point for us as Catholics. The truth is this, if someone has not come to terms with the basic tenets of the faith, how will they be able to accept the hard sayings? I recall a friend explaining this principle to me with the example of a game like baseball. You can not get a person to understand or to love baseball by simply explaining to them all the rules and intricacies of the game, you first begin by taking them to a game. In this same way, it is very unlikely that explaining to the secular atheist the sexual morality of the Church would be a very fruitful discussion without first drawing them in with something they can agree with.
We must however, be careful in our approach. I am in no way suggesting that we deceive people or misrepresent these teachings, rather that we are prudent in how we open and develop conversations with non-believers. Take care not to fall into the trap of looking at everything through the lens of what is commonly believed today. As Augustine says, it would be foolish to begin “gauging by the petty standard of their own manners the manners of the whole human race. Like as if in an armoury, one knowing not what were adapted to the several members should put greaves on his head, or boot himself with a helmet, and then complain because they would not fit.”2 We have an obligation to remain true to what the Church has taught for two thousand years.
Concerning how one’s own spiritual growth impacts the ability to evangelize, the matter is simple. “This way is first humility, second humility, third humility and no matter how often you keep asking me I will say the same over and over again.”3 Humility is not only the greatest of the virtues, but the most attractive to other people. When we meet someone who is truly humble, we are drawn to them. In contrast, when we meet someone who is proud and stubborn, we can not wait to be rid of them. Be humble, and love the person you are speaking with. Not only because you will be more effective in changing their heart, but because they are created in the image of God. If we can not find this beauty in our opponents, we should consider looking inward before continuing to look at others.
1 Pope Francis, Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis (New York, 2015)
2 St. Augustine, Confessions (New York:Penguin, 1961) Chapter 7.
3 St. Agustine, Letter 118 (A.D. 410)